' New CamBam VBScript
' create a Mtext

sub main()

    Dim txt As MText = New MText    'create a new MText primitive
    dim p as Point3F = New Point3F(10,50,0)    'create a new Point3F and fill with data

    ' set some properties for the text

    txt.Text = "CamBam"    'the text to display
    txt.Height = 16    'text height
    'horizontal & vertical alignment
    txt.TextAlignmentH = TextAlignmentH.center
    txt.TextAlignmentV = TextAlignmentV.bottom

    txt.Italic = True    'italic ON
    txt.Font = "Batang"    'font to use
    txt.P1 = p    ' text position

    ' add the text to the active layer

end sub