' New CamBam VBScript

sub main
    'return points and triangle info about selected surfaces objects
    'hit ESC to stop

    dim ent as entity
    dim surf as surface 

    dim plist as Point3FArray = new Point3FArray()
    dim pt as Point3F
    dim f as TriangleFace

    for each ent in view.SelectedEntities
        if typeof ent is surface
            app.log("Points  Surface ID: " & ent.ID)

            surf = ent
            plist = surf.Points

            for each pt in plist
                app.log("X: " & pt.x & "  Y: " & pt.y & "  Z: " & pt.z)
                'exit if ESC is pressed
                if CamBam.UI.CamBamUI.GetKeyState(27) < 0 then
                    exit sub
                end if

            next pt

            for each f in surf.Faces

                app.log("A: " & f.A & "  B: " & f.B & "  C: " & f.C)

                if CamBam.UI.CamBamUI.GetKeyState(27) < 0 then
                    exit sub
                end if

            next f

        end if

end sub